新关注 > 信息聚合 > 购风行CM7享1万优惠 欢迎试驾

购风行CM7享1万优惠 欢迎试驾

Purchase and popular CM7 at 10000 Welcome to test drive

2017-08-03 23:15:25来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR广州行情 原创] 还剩 27天 促销时间2017-07-31~2017-08-29 近日,编辑从广州浩迅汽车贸易有限公司了解到,目前店内风行CM7有现车,购车可享受1万元优惠。感兴趣的...

[original XCAR guangzhou market] 27 days left for sales in 2017-07-31 ~ 2017-07-31, editor understands from guangzhou HaoXun automobile trade co., LTD., the current in-store CM7 is now popular car, car 10000 yuan can enjoy preferential. Interested in...