新关注 > 信息聚合 > 24岁女孩做全脸手术只为变成“心形脸”(图)


Just 24 years old girl full face surgery to become "heart-shaped face" (FIG.)

2016-04-09 21:23:47来源: 中国新闻网

整形前后对比图 Angelababy、昆凌、高圆圆、宋慧乔……这些炙手可热的当红女明星,在我们的印象中除了漂亮,还有一张圆润饱满的脸颊,所以笑容才更甜美,三四十岁看起来依旧是二十几岁的小姑娘模样。其实这都是因为她们拥有一张“心形脸”。近日,就有一位24岁的郑州女孩青青为了追求这种“心...

Compared before and after plastic figure Angelababy, he ling, gao, song hye-kyo... These hot popular female star, in addition to the beautiful in our impression, with a plump face, so smile sweeter, their 30 s and 40 s is still in their twenties girl look like. In fact this is because they have a "heart-shaped face". Recently, there is a 24-year-old girl qingqing in pursuit of the "heart of zhengzhou...