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《龙武2》今日14时新服开启 送万元话费福利

"Long Wu 2" 14 stylish clothing opens today to send ten thousand yuan fee welfare

2017-03-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今日14时,《龙武2》新刺客职业“飞影”席卷龙武世界,江湖再此陷入混乱格局。新服【撼岳VS惊云】应劫而启!朝廷欲瓦解江湖组织,统筹大权,而各门派会束手就擒还是奋起抗争?今日就让小编为你揭晓,此次飞影之乱背后的故事吧! 开服时间:今日14:00时 开服区服:【撼岳VS惊云】 《龙武2》飞影新职业 【正邪一念间 活在黑暗中的飞影刺客】 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗,在纷争不断的大世下,正邪之分更加难以说明。《龙武2》新职业飞影,就是一群生活在影子中的刺客。他们信奉物竞天则,适者生存,金钱物质是他们唯一的追求,因此许多诸侯视其为利刃,铲除异己,谋害敌手。 飞影...

Today, 14 Long Wu 2 new assassin professional "fly" sweeping Long Wu world, river's lake to the chaos. New clothes should be taken and shake yue VS jing cloud 】 【 kai! The court to dismantle jianghu group, as a whole, and each will surrender or fight it? Let small make up for you today, the fly the story behind the shadow of disorderly!!!! Time: suit today at open area under: shake yue VS jing cloud 】 【 Long Wu 2 fly shadow new career [read between good and evil Live to fly in the dark shadow assassin 】 apathy, for all things live, under the big world of strife and points between good and evil are harder to explain. "Long Wu 2" new career fly, is a group of living in the shadow of the assassin. They believe in the race day, the survival of the fittest, the pursuit of money is their only, so many governors regard it as a sword, and destroy, kill enemy. & have spent & have spent Fly a shadow...