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Nintendo's new mobile game, this time with Cygames jointly developed

2018-04-27 09:59:11来源: 游戏时光

开发了《碧蓝幻想》《影之诗》《偶像大师 灰姑娘女孩》《巴哈姆特之怒》等人气手游的公司 Cygames 公司宣布,他们将和任天堂达成合作关系,并于今年夏季推出移动游戏《Dragalia Lost》。同时任天堂还将收购前者5%的股份。Dragalia Lost《Dragalia Lost》是一款 A·RPG 游戏,由 Cygames 和任天堂联合开发,并由 Cygames 负责运营,计划于今年夏季登陆手机平台,并将在日本、台湾、香港、澳门等地上线,同时任天堂也计划在在欧美推出本作。任天堂此前在手游方面一直与 DeNA 合作,两者联合推出了《Miitomo》《超级马里奥酷跑》《火焰纹章 英雄》《动物...

Developed "the blue fantasy", "the shadow of the poem" the idol master Cinderella girl "the wrath of Palestinian hamm" and other popular hand swim Cygames company announced that they will reach the cooperation relations and nintendo, and released in the summer and mobile game "Dragalia Lost". Nintendo also will acquire a 5% stake in the former. Dragalia Lost the Dragalia Lost "is A a. RPG game, developed jointly by Cygames and nintendo, Cygames and responsible for the operation, plan this summer on mobile platform, and will be in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, such as the ground line, and nintendo is planning to launch this in Europe and the United States. Nintendo has in hand swim are said to have been cooperating with DeNA, both jointly launched "Miitomo" super Mario cool run "" fire arms hero", "animal...

标签: 手游 任天堂