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6.3 electricity evening news: lenovo mobile near the shelf again

2016-06-03 17:57:54来源: 亿邦动力网

团贷网获C轮融资3.75亿元 预计7月中旬宣布据了解,团贷网C轮融资不以光影侠为主体,而以旗下三家全资子公司为主体。其中,东莞团贷网互联网科技服务有限公司估值27.5亿元、东莞团贷网资产管有限公司估值5亿元、深圳正合普惠金融服务有限公司估值5亿元。三家子公司分别稀释约10%股权,并表之后相当于光影侠总体稀释10%。钢铁电商尚未盈利 上海钢联又建一家煤炭电商上海钢联公告称,公司董事会已批准一项参股煤炭电商公司的投资,其合作方包括山煤国际以及东泰能源。该煤炭电商平台公司将从事煤炭现货交易业务,注册资本5000万元。山煤国际及东泰能源拟分别出资2000万元和1250万元,占注册资本的40%和25%。...

Net C round of financing loan 375 million yuan Is expected to declare it is understood that in mid-july group lending net C round not to light and shadow man as the main body, and in three of its wholly owned subsidiary as the main body. Among them, the dongguan group lending network Internet technology service co., LTD., value 2.75 billion yuan, dongguan group net assets loan tube co., LTD., value 500 million yuan, shenzhen exact pratt &whitney financial services co., LTD., value 500 million yuan. Three subsidiaries are diluted by about 10%, and after the table is equivalent to light and shadow man overall 10% dilution. Steel electricity has not yet profitable Shanghai steel unite and build a coal electricity steel announcement, the company's board of directors has approved a equity investment coal electricity company, its partners include coal international and tung tai mountain. The coal electric business platform, the company will engage in spot coal trading business, registered capital of 50 million yuan. International and tung tai mountain coal energy to 20 million yuan and 20 million yuan respectively, accounting for 40% and 25% of the registered capital. ...

标签: 电商 京东