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BBC火力骤减!比上赛季同期少23球 创历史最差

The BBC drop fire! Less than the same period last season 23 goals record is the worst

2017-01-29 00:40:18来源: 华体网

1月28日讯 皇马最近状态低迷,有人认为,这是因为球队防守出了问题,国王杯两回合对塞尔塔,皇马丢了4球,西甲+国王杯前一轮两次对塞维利亚,银河战舰更是狂失5球,但《马卡报》统计指出,除了卡瓦哈尔们,...

January 28 - real Madrid in recent slump, some argue that this is because the team defense out of the question, for celta over two legs in the king's cup, real Madrid lost four goals, the Spanish king + cup first round twice to seville, the Milky Way battleship is crazy lost five goals, but marca statistics points out, in addition to slip, Hal...