新关注 > 信息聚合 > 爆照了!帕托身着权健球衣体能测试 满脸堆笑

爆照了!帕托身着权健球衣体能测试 满脸堆笑

Blasting according to! Pat her physical fitness test grinning QuanJian shirt

2017-01-29 00:40:18来源: 华体网

帕托进行机能测试 1月28日 只等官宣!巴西国脚帕托加盟权健已经进入倒计时,今日,一张帕托身着权健球衣进行体能检测的照片曝光,更是佐证了这一笔交易即将完成。 按照计划,权健队今晚将集体飞往意大利...

Pato function test only on January 28th officer xuan! Brazil international joined QuanJian pato has entered the countdown, and today, a pat her with QuanJian shirt do physical test photos, is more evidence for this transaction is completed. According to the plan, QuanJian team will collective to Italy tonight...