新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广西抽检发现8批次药品不合格


Guangxi unqualified sampling observation found that 8 batches of the drug

2016-10-17 01:00:22来源: 环球网

新华社南宁10月15日专电(记者赵刚)广西壮族自治区食品药品监管局近日公布对辖区药品生产、经营企业和使用单位的药品进行质量监督抽检的结果。本次药品质量监督抽检共367批次,合格359批次,2批次中药饮片不合格,制剂部分6批次不合格。 通报称,中药饮片中有广西汇粹药业有限公司生产的1批次...

Xinhua nanning special telegram (reporter zhao gang) on October 15, guangxi zhuang autonomous region, the food and drug supervision bureau has released the jurisdictions of pharmaceutical production, management enterprise and unit using drugs for quality supervision and sampling inspection results. The drug quality supervision and sampling, a total of 367 batches of qualified 359 batches, 2 batches of Chinese medicine yinpian, preparation section 6 batches unqualified. Notice said, Chinese medicine yinpian in guangxi remit essence pharmaceutical co., LTD. Production of 1 batch...