新关注 > 信息聚合 > 熊孩子往往有熊父母,您也不小心“熊”了吗?


Bear children often have parents bear, you don't care "bear"?

2016-10-09 17:28:19来源: 搜狐

您一定和人谈论过“老李家的孩子真是不懂事”、在网上看过“亲戚家的熊孩子来串门,气死我了”的吐槽贴,并且暗暗假想过“我孩子要是这样我能气死”。 罗马不是一夜建成的,熊孩子也不是一天炼成的。古语云“养不教,父之过”,熊孩子往往有熊父母,不注意纠正孩子的不良行为甚至还纵容犯错,让孩子走上“...

You must be with people about the "Lao li home child is not sensible", seen on the net "relatives bear children come round, piss me off," the ridicule, and secretly supposed "if my child so I could grieve." Rome was not built in one night, the bear children are not for a day. Archaism cloud "keep not to teach, the father of the", bear children often have parents bear, do not pay attention to correct the child's bad behaviour and even indulge makes mistakes, let the children to "...