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爱儿说 | 马上带孩子上医院的五大症状

Love said the five symptoms of take the child to hospital immediately

2016-10-08 00:37:38来源: 搜狐

搜狐健康 文/儿科医生鲁靖 宝贝生病,有的是持续了好长时间老不好,有的是出现了新的症状,那到底该不该送宝贝去医院呢?什么时候应该去医院呢?特别是在寒冷的冬季夜晚,去吧外面太冷又影响休息,再说医院...

Sohu health/pediatrician LuJing baby ill, has lasted for a long time old is bad, have a plenty of new symptoms, that should really take baby to the hospital? When to go to the hospital? Especially on a cold winter night, go too cold outside and rest, besides the hospital...