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西普大陆机甲狂潮 装甲进化

Mainland heap mecha frenzy armor evolution

2016-07-29 10:52:34来源: 4399

小西普们还记得当年的闪电蝎吗?现在的进化模样你是否还记得它最初的形象。哈哈!本周钢系闪电蝎强烈归来,出场十分帅气,千万别眨眼哦! 活动时间:7月29日-9月01日 活动奖励:赤元战蝎 活...

The little heap remember were the lightning? Now do you still remember the evolution of the shape it the original image. Ha ha! Steel tie this week were the lightning back strong and appearance is very handsome, don't blink! Activity time: July 29 - September 1 activity rewards: red scorpion lives yuan warfare...