新关注 > 信息聚合 > 无忧精英网荣获2017世界移动互联网大会两项大奖


All elite network won the 2017 world conference on mobile Internet two awards

2017-06-27 17:16:09来源: DoNews

近日,2017世界移动互联网大会暨新媒体门户大会在北京国际会议中心隆重举办。本界大会围绕“创新驱动--前所未有的全球新经济”这一主题,探讨移动互联网企业在品质提升、个性需求多样化的消费模式升级大环境下,如何借助人工智能、大数据等新兴技术进行产品升级,打造新的商业模式。中国领先的精英职业发展平台无忧精英网荣获“移动互联网行业新锐奖”,旗下名片精准识别产品“脉可寻”获得“移动互联网行业最具创新奖”。精准推荐 解决精英求职痛点无忧精英网服务于年薪超过10万的职场精英,上线刚刚2年,平台已拥有7500万个精英信息,汇集了超过5万名猎头、提供IT/互联网、金融、房地产、汽车等行业的职位超过20万个,“互...

Recently, the 2017 world conference on mobile Internet and new media portal meeting was held in Beijing international conference center. This world conference around "innovation drive -- an unprecedented global new economy" this one theme, in the mobile Internet enterprises is discussed in this paper the consumption patterns of diversified needs for improving quality, personality upgrade environment, how to use emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data to product upgrade, will create new business models. China's leading elite professional development platform easy elite network won the "award for" mobile Internet industry, its precise identification card products can be searched "pulse" for "mobile Internet industry's most innovation". Accurate recommend elite pain points, secure job elite network services in the annual salary of more than 100000 professionals, launched just two years, the platform has more than 75 million elite information, collected more than 50000 search and provide IT/Internet, finance, real estate, automotive and other industries of position for more than 200000, "each other...