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指尖消除迎来“萌”时代 《燃烧的蔬菜天天连萌》..

Fingertips to eliminate for MOE time the combustion of vegetables every day even sprout..

2016-01-25 16:02:57来源: 4399

开年新作《燃烧的蔬菜天天连萌》将于1月26日萌翻上线!海量关卡、丰富玩法、Q萌形象,指尖消除迎来“萌”时代,赶紧下载体验重磅升级的消除快感! 海量游戏关卡 玩法新鲜高难度 鲜艳明亮的游戏世界,超大游戏版图蕴含海量游戏关卡。闯关过程中除了普通关卡还可能会遇到黑暗关卡和计时关卡,难度加大...

Open in new the combustion of vegetables every day even sprout begins on January 26th of double online! Massive levels of image, rich gameplay, Q, fingertips to eliminate for MOE era, quickly download experience blockbuster upgrade eliminate pleasure! Massive game levels Fresh difficult game Bright world, big game map contains the massive game levels. Recruit in addition to normal levels may encounter in the process of dark levels and levels of increasing difficulty...