新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马布里加盟电竞战队,公开招募玩家


Marbury to join e-sports teams, openly recruit players

2016-10-25 16:32:22来源: 华体网

北京男篮马布里此前与游戏行业一直有着不解之缘,曾为多款体育题材作品进行动作捕捉和游戏代言。昨日,马布里在其个人社交平台发出一段视频,宣布进入电子竞技领域,打造一支专业的All Star电竞战队。据悉...

Beijing men's basketball team marbury has always had close relationship with games industry, has conducted sports drama works for motion capture and game. Yesterday, marbury on his personal issue a video social platform, declared a electronic athletic field, build a professional e-sports teams All Star. It is understood that...

标签: 电竞