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解密未知剧情 《楚乔传H5》即将上线!

Decrypt unknown plot "Chu Chuan H5" on the line!

2017-06-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

赵丽颖、林更新、窦骁主演的大型古装剧《楚乔传》播放量已超过100亿次,随着电视剧的大火,《楚乔传H5》游戏,也即将于6月30日登陆狗仔游戏盒子! 据悉《楚乔传H5》由电视剧正版授权,游戏将采用2DQ版本风格,画风精美绚丽,剧情除了对电视剧完美还原之外,还将加入大量电视剧中未展示的隐藏剧情,战斗系统更是千万变化——现在就来下载狗仔游戏盒子,进入《楚乔传H5》一起体验一个不一样的夏天吧! Q版形象 还原最完美楚乔 和传统的影视剧改编手游不同,《楚乔传H5》的角色全部使用Q版风格,加上细腻的角色造型,使得游戏的辨识度非常高,玩家也可以在Q版画风中,感受最完美还原的楚乔。 此外,游戏...

Zhao Liying, Dou Xiao, Lin update starring large costume drama "Chu Joe biography" playback volume has more than 10 billion times, with the drama of the fire, "Chu Joe H5" game will be landing in June 30th the paparazzi game box! It is reported that "Chu Joe H5" authorized by the drama genuine games will use 2DQ version, style, style beautiful colors, in addition to the reduction of TV drama plot perfect, will also join a large number of TV series did not show the hidden plot, the combat system is never change -- now to download the paparazzi game box, enter "Chu Joe H5" together to experience a different summer! Q version of the image to restore the perfect Chu Qiao and traditional television drama adaptation Mobile Games, "Chu Joe H5" all characters using the Q version of the style, with delicate characters, making the game a very high degree of recognition, game player can also in Q version of style, feel the most perfect Chu Qiao. In addition, the game...

标签: H5