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Marotta: I don't know whether sign victor's in January

2016-11-16 22:53:48来源: 华体网

体育11月15日讯 尤文总经理马洛塔在接受采访时谈到了维特塞尔。 比利时中场维特塞尔此前多次表达自己想要加盟尤文的愿望,而尤文方面也已经证实,球队会在未来签下这名比利时国脚。 尤文总经理马洛塔表示:“维特塞尔的情况比较特殊,我们已经看到了他在泽尼特的表现。但我不知道球队是否会在一月份...

November 15, sports news Juventus general manager beppe marotta in an interview about victor. Belgian midfielder victor searle has previously expressed his desire to join Juventus, while Juventus have confirmed that the team will be signing the Belgium international in the future. Juventus general manager beppe marotta said: "the victor's situation is special, we have already seen him in the performance of the zenit. But I don't know if the team will be in January...