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始终如一,向流量作弊SAY NO!

Consistently to traffic SAY NO cheating!

2017-09-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近期,Google正在向碰到虚假流量的媒介公司退回所谓的平台费用。这些公司通过Google旗下的DoubleClickBidManager平台进行广告的程序化购买,但广告在内容方那里发布之后却碰到虚假流量——机器人而非真人创造了广告的曝光量。 伴随着移动互联网用户红利的逐步消失,移动广告行业趋于稳定发展,长期被广告主诟病的行业作弊行为也到达了变革深水区,规避虚假流量及各种作弊手段也是移动广告平台的必备武功之一。 虚假流量下行业形势不容乐观 随着用户信息获取习惯向移动端倾斜,移动广告正成为最重要的广告形式,近几年市场规模增速惊人。据艾瑞咨询研究报告,至2018年移动广告规模将超过...

Recently, Google is to encounter the false flow medium is returned to the so-called platform. These companies through Google's programmed to buy DoubleClickBidManager platform for advertising, but advertising in the content there after the release against false flow - robots rather than human created the AD exposure. With mobile Internet users dividend gradually disappear, the stable development, the mobile advertising industry has long been criticized advertisers industry cheating also reached the deep change, avoid false flow and all kinds of cheating to mobile advertising platform is one of the necessary martial arts. Under the false traffic industry situation is not optimistic As the user access to information used to tilt to the mobile terminal, mobile advertising is becoming the most important forms of advertising, market scale growth in recent years. According to iresearch consulting research report, mobile advertising scale will exceed 2018...

标签: 流量