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魔兽世界6.2版本资讯 更新内容全面汇总

World of Warcraft version 6.2 update the contents of a comprehensive summary of

2015-05-11 13:40:52来源: 站长之家

魔兽世界6.2版本资讯 更新内容全面汇总。 地区解锁:塔纳安丛林 是时候对盘踞在塔纳安丛林的钢铁部落进行反击了! 前往塔纳安丛林的通道需要解锁要塞新建筑:船坞(三级要塞可建造)。你需要前往自己的要塞接受“军事议会”任务。 在塔纳安丛林将会有新的日常任务来获取船坞资源以及更多。 ...

World of Warcraft version 6.2 update the contents of a comprehensive summary. Unlock: jungle area Tana an it is time for an entrenched jungle in the Tana steel tribal counter! Go to the jungle Tana an channel needs new building to unlock the fortress: (three fortress built dock). You need to accept their own fortress "Military Council" task. In the jungle there will be daily tasks at an new dock to obtain resources and more. ...

标签: 魔兽世界