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YY上线主播违规详解 趣味视频践行绿色直播

YY online anchor violations, a fun practicing green live video

2018-04-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近两年,直播平台一直处于舆论的风口浪尖,网络直播在丰富生活的同时也出现了内容低俗等问题。在此现状下,直播平台如何正确引导主播和用户价值观导向成为需要首要考虑的问题。 YY直播一直在积极推动行业自律,主动承担起传播正能量的使命,切实担负起内容管理的主体责任。为规范主播行为,净化直播内容和治理主播乱象,YY除了联动平台各主力频道,合力策划推出大型“你好!新时代”主题直播节目之外,还在站内推出了“主播违规详解”系列小视频,通过动画和真人演绎两种形式,向大家讲解主播规范,约束主播行为。 在“主播违规详解”系列视频中,不仅详细解释了哪些行为是直播禁忌,什么语言会触犯直播规则,还分享了如何识别不...

Nearly two years, live platform has been at the forefront of public opinion, webcast also appeared in a rich life vulgar content, etc. In this situation, a broadcast platform how to correctly guide the host and user guide values become the problem need to be priority. YY live has been actively promoting self-discipline, initiative to undertake the mission of spreading positive energy, shouldering the main body of content management responsibility earnestly. To regulate the behavior of anchor, purify the broadcast content and governance anchor, YY linkage platform in addition to the main channel, together planning to launch big "hello! New era theme live TV, but also in station launched "anchor violations" series small video, through animation and live-action deduce two forms, to explain the host specification, presented the behavior constraints. In the "anchor violations" video series, explains in detail what actions are not only live taboo, what language would violate the rules of live, also Shared how to recognize no...

标签: 主播 直播 视频 YY