新关注 > 信息聚合 > 11.24日14点 《古羌传奇PK版》精英测试发烧开启

11.24日14点 《古羌传奇PK版》精英测试发烧开启

11.24 day 14 points "legends of the ancient qiang PK version" elite test fever open

2016-11-14 16:32:31来源: 游久网

11月24日14:00点,《古羌传奇PK版》正式开启不删档精英测试,发烧PK,点燃杀戮盛筵!10余种传奇BOSS重装登场、25种飙血厮杀的PK模式、数十种官方GM才有的城主特权,带你体验发烧级PK网游,上线就是干! 【11月24日精英测试震撼登场 体验极致PK】 11月24日,古羌点...

14:00, November 24 points, legends of the ancient qiang PK edition formal open don't delete file elite test, fever PK, lit the killing lords! More than 10 kinds of legendary BOSS reshipment appearance, 25 kinds of soaring blood fight PK mode, dozens of official GM some privileges to the duke, take you experience "PK games, online is dry! 【 on November 24 elite shock test experience extreme PK 】 on November 24, the ancient qiang point...