新关注 > 信息聚合 > 给法系40多W战 打不了琵琶洞的一些建议

给法系40多W战 打不了琵琶洞的一些建议

War can't type to the legal system more than 40 W pipa hole some Suggestions

2017-04-21 17:42:31来源: 多玩游戏

我的号是22W的幽冥,因为现在法系过新副本和新塔9相对有优势所以写此文 没打过新副本的法系我建议你把职业改成掌电,在朋友或者联盟,门派里找个强力队伍躺尸混首饰,或者买首饰,现在能过的人太多了4人...

Of my number is 22 w, because now law a new copy and new tower 9 relatively have advantages to write this article so I suggest that you didn't make any new copy of the legal system, change career to return to electricity, in a friend or alliance, united in a powerful team lie resin mix of jewelry, or buy jewelry, and now there are too many people in the can four people...