新关注 > 信息聚合 > 亚马逊招兵买马拟将“当日送达”服务推至全球


Amazon intends to raise or enlarge an army "on the same day delivery" service to push the world

2014-12-11 17:22:19来源: TechWeb

亚马逊货品输送中心 【TechWeb报道】12月11日消息,据路透社报道,亚马逊最新的招聘列表显示,公司正考虑将当日送达服务推广至全球,以便提高其服务,同线下实体零售商展开激烈的竞争。 本周,亚马逊西雅图总部计划招募至少7位高级产品和市场营销管理人员,其中3个已经在亚马逊官网公布。亚...

Amazon goods transportation center [TechWeb] the news reported in December 11th, according to Reuters reported, Amazon's new recruitment list shows, the company is considering the same day delivery extension to the world, in order to improve its services, the same entities under the line retailers competition. This week, Amazon headquarters in Seattle plan to recruit at least 7 senior product marketing management and marketing personnel, 3 of which had been in the Amazon website. Asia...