新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王菲演唱会直播入账近300万 一土豪粉丝打赏9万

王菲演唱会直播入账近300万 一土豪粉丝打赏9万

Wong's concert live books nearly 300, one thousand local tyrants fans hit 90000

2017-01-01 16:14:20来源: 新浪

原标题:王菲演唱会直播入账近300万 一土豪粉丝打赏9万 【TechWeb报道】1月1日消息,王菲演唱会“幻乐一场”在争议中落下帷幕。该演唱会同时在腾讯视频直播,有媒体援引腾讯视频数据称,本次王菲演唱会直播总观看人数达到了2149万人,总共收获了2813.8万礼物,折合人民币约为28...

The original title: faye wong concert live books nearly 3 million A local tyrants fans enjoy 90000 on January 1, TechWeb reported 】 【 news, faye wong "a" magic music concert ended in controversy. The concert in tencent live video at the same time, the media said, citing tencent video data to the wong's concert live total number has reached 21.49 million people, a total of 28.138 million gift, equivalent to about 28...

标签: 直播