新关注 > 信息聚合 > CF手游登陆ChinaJoy 多角度展现游戏魅力

CF手游登陆ChinaJoy 多角度展现游戏魅力

CF hand travel landing ChinaJoy multi angle to show the charm of the game

2016-07-31 14:41:52来源: 任玩堂

据悉,CF手游不光将在活动场内为玩家带来超级联赛直播、现场3V3体验、触手平台直播等众多精彩环节,游戏官方还包下CJ会场地铁站——龙阳路地铁站的整个广告位,向经典游戏类型致敬的同时也将指尖枪战的魅力传递给更多玩家。 中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会是由国家新闻出版总署等十二个政府部门指导,具...

It is reported that CF Mobile Games not only will be at the event venue for the game player brings Super League broadcast, live 3V3 experience, and many other exciting aspects of broadcast platform tentacles, game official also package under the CJ venue MTR Station - Longyang Road subway station of the entire advertising, a tribute to the classic game types at the same time will also deliver more charm fingertips gun game player. The China International Digital Entertainment Expo is directed by twelve government departments, such as the State Administration of press and publication administration...