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微博鼻祖Twitter前景黯淡 或被谷歌收购

Micro-blog originator Twitter prospects dim or be Google acquisition

2015-01-23 15:55:01来源: 科技讯

一直以来频繁传出谷歌收购Twitter的传言,但每次都是一场空,近日坊间再度传出谷歌将要收购Twitter的消息,也刺激了Twitter股价上涨。近年来Twitter面临种种危机,股价已经被腰斩一半三大创始人也被曝光集体抛售Twitter股票,似乎对公司前景失去信心…… 【科技讯】1...

has been frequently rumored Google takeover of Twitter, but every time is all in vain, recently there came again Google will buy Twitter news, also stimulated Twitter shares rose. In recent years, Twitter is facing all kinds of crises, the stock price has been cut Yibansan founders had also been exposed to the collective selling shares of Twitter, seems to have lost confidence in the prospects for the company...... Technology news] [1...

标签: 谷歌