新关注 > 信息聚合 > 易车与汽车之家流量背后:曾经咱们手牵手,你都没说就先走


Easy car flow back of the house and car: once we hand in hand, you didn't say you go first

2018-03-28 14:10:00来源: 品途网

互联网行业里所有的生意模式都可以归结为“流量模式”。流量代表的是用户,你的流量运营效率高,流量背后的用户群价值大,就能从流量中赚到更多的真金白银。而随着流量红利的结束,这种运营效率与价值上的高低优劣,越会影响到一家企业的命运。 近年来,互联网行业里不断重复着综合性大平台蚕食垂直细分选手的故事,实际上也未脱离开流量的商业逻辑。但汽车行业是一个例外,依然是汽车之家、易车等垂直选手领跑行业的局面,就在于汽车领域的流量变现能力更强,流动性更弱。而且,随着竞争层次从粗放式走向精细化,商业模式持续升级换代,虽然在同一屋檐下,不同平台却出现了截然不同的表现。 这两天,随着各大互联网企业财报扎堆发布,我们发...

All the business model in the Internet industry can be summed up in "traffic patterns. Flow represents the user, and your traffic operating efficiency is high, traffic behind users value is big, can earn more money from the traffic. And with the flow and at the end of the bonus, or vice versa on the operation efficiency and value, the more will affect the fate of an enterprise. Repeatedly in recent years, the Internet industry with a comprehensive platform eating into vertical niche player's story, actually is not out of the business logic of open flow. Is an exception, but the car industry still is the home of car, easy car such as vertical leading industry situation, is in the field of car flow cashability is stronger, the less liquid. And, as from extensive fine competition level, business model continuously upgrading, while under the same roof, different platforms have different performance. These two days, with each big Internet companies earnings release, are enjoying our hair...

标签: 流量