新关注 > 信息聚合 > 史嘉仪:女孩儿爱画画 自由想象就是最好的老师

史嘉仪:女孩儿爱画画 自由想象就是最好的老师

Shi Jiayi: girls are fond of painting free imagination is the best teacher

2015-08-30 12:06:25来源: 中工网

■小嘉仪10分钟就完成一幅画。 省会(石家庄)怡禾风景小区有个小名人——史嘉仪,6岁的她没有上过任何绘画班,但小嘉仪通过观察与天马行空的想象画着她的世界。家长说让孩子自由想象就是小嘉仪最好的老师...

bustard Jia instrument 10 minutes completes a picture. Provincial capital Shijiazhuang Yihe scenic area has a small celebrity -- Shi Jiayi, 6 years old, she didn't have any painting class, but small Jia instrument by observation and fanciful imagination painting in the world about her. Parents say that the child is free to imagine that the best teacher of small Jia instrument...