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小心!一些看似不经意的动作 可能导致电脑瞬间“..

look out! Some seemingly casual actions may lead to the computer instantly.

2016-05-09 17:25:54来源: 千龙

时下各行各业走进IT时代,人们的日常生活也日益电脑化。很多家庭都购置了家用电脑。然而在日常微机操作中,一些看似不经意的动作,可能会直接导致电脑瞬间“瘫痪”,甚至损害人体健康。 误区一 无水酒精清...

Nowadays, all walks of life into the IT era, people's daily life also increasing computerization. Many families have bought home computers. However, in the daily operation of the computer, some seemingly casual action, may directly cause the computer instantly "paralysis", and even harm the health of human body. Misunderstanding a water alcohol clear...