新关注 > 信息聚合 > 波什称腿部已无血栓 开始训练!坚信本季能复出

波什称腿部已无血栓 开始训练!坚信本季能复出

Bosh said leg thrombosis is no longer to start training! Believe this season can come back

2016-03-11 05:07:56来源: 新浪

愿你早日康复! “我知道有很多关于我健康的疑问,以及我何时才能复出。今年,我的状况从来没有威胁到我的生命。我现在感觉很好,而且我没有深部静脉血栓。在热火队的帮助下,我正在和医生配合,并寻找最佳的...

I wish you a speedy recovery! "I know there are a lot of questions about my health, and I when we can return. This year, my condition was never a threat to my life. I feel good now, but I do not have deep vein thrombosis in Miami with the help of I'm fit and doctors, and to find the best ...