新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苏丹籍留学生突发哮喘 武汉医生连夜抢救转危为安

苏丹籍留学生突发哮喘 武汉医生连夜抢救转危为安

Sudanese students an asthma attack Wuhan doctor overnight rescue click turned the corner

2015-09-21 11:38:58来源: 人民网

点击查看高清原图 (记者高家龙通讯员陈敏陈舒)近日,一名在汉的苏丹籍留学生突发哮喘,经过武汉医生的紧急抢救终于转危为安。苏醒后的苏丹男孩躺在病床上用英文和母语写下了对救治医生的感谢。 该院急...

view original HD (reporter correspondent there Chen Chen Shu) recently, a Chinese Sudanese students an asthma attack, after Wuhan doctor of emergency rescue finally turn the crisis for security. After the awakening of the Sultan boy lying on the bed with the English and Chinese language to write a doctor for treatment. Emergency hospital...