新关注 > 信息聚合 > 触宝王佳梁:带着估值10亿产品杀回中国


TouchPal Wang Jialiang: with the valuation of 10 billion products kill back to Chinese Sina

2015-08-13 11:01:53来源: 新浪

导语:7年的时间,王佳梁带着估值将近10亿美金的触宝输入法和触宝电话杀回中国来了。 触宝王佳梁 很多人可能对王佳梁和触宝这个公司不太了解,原因其实很好理解:触宝的海外用户比国内用户要多得多。王...

Intro: 7 years of time, Wang Jialiang with a valuation and nearly $10 billion touch treasure input method and touch the treasure call kill back to China to the. Touch a lot of people Wang Jialiang may be Wang Jialiang and touch the treasure this company is not very understanding, the reason is actually very good understanding: touch treasure than the domestic users of the more than the domestic users. Wang...