新关注 > 信息聚合 > 库克和施密特洗了个澡后决定投资Nebia公司


Cook and Schmidt had a bath after the investment Nebia company

2015-08-12 10:44:25来源: TechWeb

Nebia淋浴喷头产品 【TechWeb报道】8月12日消息,据《纽约时报》报道,淋雨喷头产品设计公司Nebia获得了来自苹果CEO库克、谷歌董事长施密特家族基金在内的投资。 Nebia想让投资...

Nebia shower nozzle products [techweb reported] August 12 news, according to the New York Times reported, shower nozzle design company Nebia obtained the from Apple CEO cook, Google chairman Eric Schmidt family fund, investment. Nebia want to make investment...