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向《超级马里奥世界》致敬 艺术家手绘作品欣赏

To the "super Mario world" tribute artist hand-painted works appreciation

2015-03-10 00:34:43来源: 逗游网

Ronan Lynam’s的唯美超级马里奥绘画系列包括了Bowser的飞船,马里奥,Lakitu云以及Ludwig von Koopa。SNES的超级马里奥世界更多地使用了怀旧手法。第十五版超级马里...

Ronan Lynam 's beautiful super Mario painting series includes the Bowser spacecraft, Mario, and Ludwig von Koopa Lakitu cloud. SNES super Mario world use more nostalgic technique. The fifteenth version of super mario...