新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上海年内总价地王打造“金融街模式”


In Shanghai in the total price of the king to build "Financial Street" mode

2015-08-07 01:03:34来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 就在上个月,金融街以88.15亿元的总价拍得闸北区上海火车站北广场以北地块,刷新了上海今年以来土地成交的最高价。目前,金融街控股在上海静安、虹口、闸北分别打造金融街(静安)中心、金融街(海...

[Abstract] is in the last month, finance street to 88.15_yi billion yuan of the total film Zhabei District, Shanghai Railway Station North Plaza North plots, refresh the Shanghai this year, land transactions in the most expensive. At present, Financial Street holdings in Jingan, Shanghai, Hongkou,, Financial Street (Zhabei), (Jingan) center, Financial Street...