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国家大剧院国际戏剧季论坛 戏剧人共话本土创作

Countries theatre International Theatre Festival Theatre forum Gonghua native creation

2015-09-22 21:09:25来源: 新华报业网

中新网北京9月22日电(记者高凯)国家大剧院戏剧论坛第二单元22日正式拉开帷幕。十余位导演、编剧,戏剧评论家,参演剧团代表从大剧院戏剧季出发,探讨本土戏剧与世界当前戏剧的交流与借鉴。 今年6月1...

new network Beijing on September 22 (reporter Gao Kai) National Grand Theater forum second unit 22 officially kicked off. Dozen director, screenwriter, theater critic, representatives of participating troupes from big theater season of discuss the exchange of local drama and the drama and reference. In June of this year, 1...