新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《我的世界》官方周边商城上线啦!


"My world" surrounding the official online mall!

2017-07-10 00:00:00来源: 人民网

自由创造,从一个方块开始!新事物的诞生总是让人欢欣鼓舞。7月10日,《我的世界》官方周边商城正式上线,与此同时,所有周边产品将会同步入驻网易严选志趣频道,欢迎大家通过周边商城官网及网易严选来搜罗心中喜欢的周边,将这些快乐带回家! 在6月1日-30日进行的“说说你心中的《我的世界》周边”活动中,大量的玩家参与到了活动中,并提出了很多天马行空的创意,其中不乏一些日后可能会和大家见面的周边产品,让我们感受到了中国玩家的才华和热情。为了答谢玩家对于周边商城的关注,我们将在7月10日-7月16日展开开业庆典,一起来了解一下开业庆典期间的活动。 活动一:全场满88元包邮 开业庆典期间,凡单笔订...

Free creation, starting from a square! The birth of new things always let people rejoice. On July 10, "my world" officially launched around the mall, at the same time, all the peripheral products will be synchronized in netease strictly selected channel, to welcome you all through the perimeter mall website and netease strictly selected to collect around like in the heart, will be the happy home! On June 1-30, "tell me about your heart" my world "peripheral" activities, a large number of players involved in the activities, and put forward a lot of powerful and unconstrained style originality, including some peripheral products could meet you in the future, let us feel the Chinese player's talent and passion. In order to thank the player for attention around the mall, we will be on July 10 - opening ceremony on July 16, to know about the activities during the opening ceremony. Activity 1: full full 88 yuan package mail during the opening ceremony, every single order...

标签: 我的世界