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Meizu mutual entertainment, OPT cup mobile game of war

2017-05-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

OPT杯王者荣耀电竞大赛于唐山乐杜鹃音乐节开战。经过近3天的激烈角逐,5月1日,由魅族互娱赞助OnePartytime(简称OPT)手游赛事《王者荣耀》电竞大赛线下总决赛落地唐山乐杜鹃电音节现场。 以“全民电竞”为宗旨OnePartytime电竞赛事,唐山区选拔赛于4月29日正式开启,赛事涉及《英雄联盟》、《穿越火线》、《王者荣耀》三款比赛项目。在全唐山高校和众多网咖展开招募及选拔。在一个多月的时间里,共举办超过60场比赛,直接参与人数近500人,赛事活动覆盖人群超过20万人次,电子竞技在大学的流行使得本次比赛受到高校学子的热情参与。4月29日,OPT电竞大赛线下总决赛落地乐杜鹃电...

OPT cup king glory e-sports competition in tangshan le azalea festival. After nearly three days of intense competition, on May 1, sponsored by the meizu mutual entertainment OnePartytime (OPT) mobile game events e-sports competition "the king of glory, offline finals tangshan le azalea electric syllable landing site. For the purpose of "e-sports" universal OnePartytime tournament, tangshan area audition officially opened on April 29, events involving "hero alliance", through the wire ", "the glory of the king" three events. In tangshan college and many Internet cafes all recruitment and selection. In more than a month of time, held a total of more than 60 games, directly involved in the number of nearly 500 people, events covering more than 200000 person-time, e-sports popular in university made by the enthusiasm of the college students to participate in this game. E-sports contest on April 29, OPT offline finals landing le azalea electric...

标签: 手游