新关注 > 信息聚合 > 沈名杰:“师德标兵”就是点滴为学生 为了学生点..

沈名杰:“师德标兵”就是点滴为学生 为了学生点..

Shen Mingjie: "pacesetter" was a bit for student to student..

2015-08-14 17:50:34来源: 中国青年网

湖南女子学院教师沈名杰在指导学生绘画 中国青年网长沙8月14日电(通讯员 扶清 刘婷)8月初的长沙炎热异常,当记者来到湖南女子学院的综合楼三楼的绘画实训室时,沈名杰正满头大汗地指导暑假期间留校准备...

Hunan Women's University Teachers Shen Mingjie in guiding the students to draw China Youth Network Changsha, August 14 (reporter Fu Qing Ting) in early August of Changsha unusually hot, when the reporters came to the Hunan Women's University of comprehensive building, third floor, painting training room, Shen Mingjie is sweating profusely guidance summer stayed during preparation.