新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西安荣宝掀起2015 BMW 3行动新热潮

西安荣宝掀起2015 BMW 3行动新热潮

Xi'an Rongbao set off the 2015 BMW on 13 new upsurge of 3 action

2015-06-15 16:22:25来源: 爱卡汽车网

6月13日,西安荣宝2015 BMW 3行动运动派对在西安美格菲健身中心热力举行。适逢“运动王者”BMW 3系迎来40周年生辰,在“粉丝热潮,势不可挡”的主题昭示下,BMW 3系的车主和粉丝们欢聚在...

6 month, Xian Rong Bao 2015 BMW 3 Action Sports Party in Xi'an Megafit fitness centre heat held. Coincides with the "sport of kings" BMW 3 Series usher in the 40th anniversary of the birthday, in the fans boom, unstoppable "theme shows, BMW 3 series, the owners and fans gathered in the...