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车市三国杀 大众福特北京现代搅热车市

The car Sanguo Sha mass Ford car Jiaore Beijing modern

2015-04-13 13:46:17来源: 爱卡汽车网

朋友圈这两天很忙,除了纷纷弘扬饭桌主旋律之外,就是车企间互相隔空“掐架”,赛着比优惠被大量转发,让准备买车的人“乱花渐欲迷人眼”。 先是上海大众针对途安与POLO,进行8000-10000元的官方降价行为,接着是长安福特除新蒙迪欧、锐界外,全系送免购置税。整个坊间,谁“价”了谁,只是...

circle of friends in these two days are very busy, in addition to carry forward the main melody of their table, is the car enterprises are taking a "fighting", a favourable forwarded by a large number of people ready to buy a car, let "squandering is to charming eyes". Shanghai Volkswagen Touran and first for POLO, the official price behavior of 8000-10000 yuan, followed by Changan Ford except the new Mondeo, sharp bounds, all sent free purchase tax. The whole community, who, just "price"...