新关注 > 信息聚合 > 太原路立交新进展:跨环湾路段年底完工(图)


New advances in Taiyuan Road Interchange: Cross Ring Bay Road at the end of the year completed figure)

2015-10-14 12:56:26来源: 青岛网络电视台

备受关注的太原路立交桥项目有了新进展。昨日,记者从青岛工程建设管理信息网获悉,太原路东延段(规划铁路线-四流中路)工程启动代建招标。与此同时,跨环湾路段一期工程预计将于年底完工。 设计主线采用双向...

has attracted much attention of Taiyuan Road overpass bridge project has made new progress. Yesterday, the reporter from the Qingdao project construction management information network was informed that the Taiyuan Road East extension section (planning the railway line - four flow Road) project to start the construction of tender. At the same time, the first phase of the project is expected to be completed by the end of the year. Design main line using two-way...