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国足前辈亚洲杯玩得欢:郝海东忙购物 大羽抱考拉

The country foot senior Asian Cup play happily: Hao Haidong busy shopping Dayu embrace the koala

2015-01-16 17:56:26来源: 中国新闻网

前亚洲足球先生范志毅来了,“郝董”郝海东也来了,还有李金羽、李明,他们齐聚在布里斯班,一起为中国足球加油。当然,虽然都有活动和任务在身,不过毕竟已经不同于球员时代,所以他们还能忙里偷闲找点乐子。 郝海东忙购物 国家队在布里斯班打两场比赛,因此大家在布里斯班驻守的时间比较长。呆久了,...

before Mr. Fan Zhiyi to the Asian football, "Hao Dong" Hao Haidong, and Li Jinyu, Li Ming, they gathered in Brisbane, together for the China football gas. Of course, although there are activities and tasks in the body, but after all has different from the age of the players, so they can sneak in fun. Hao Haidong busy shopping national team to play two games in Brisbane, so we stay in Brisbane for a long time. Stay for a long time,...