新关注 > 信息聚合 > 厦市民磕破鸡蛋里面竟还有蛋 蛋包蛋几率万分之一

厦市民磕破鸡蛋里面竟还有蛋 蛋包蛋几率万分之一

Xiamen public kepo eggs inside unexpectedly and Egg Bag egg is likely extremely one of

2015-08-23 10:42:50来源: 新浪网

晨报讯(记者 陈雅玲)“家里有个鸡蛋,里面竟然还有个红色蛋壳的小鸡蛋。”近日,同安市民王先生反映,他的老母亲买到了这样一个鸡蛋。 王先生的母亲年近九旬。前日中午,她准备煎个鸡蛋吃,鸡蛋壳敲开后,...

morning news (reporter Elaine Chen) "home with an egg, which turned out to have a red shell of small eggs." Recently, Tongan citizens reflect Mr. Wang, his old mother bought such an egg. Mr Wang's mother is nearly nine years old. At noon the day before yesterday, she was ready to eat a fried egg, egg shell after knocking,...