新关注 > 信息聚合 > 哈尔滨开展端午专项食品检验 发现不合格产品拨1..

哈尔滨开展端午专项食品检验 发现不合格产品拨1..

Harbin Development of Dragon Boat Festival special food inspection found unqualified products dial 1..

2015-06-19 17:46:55来源: 中国青年网

人民网哈尔滨6月19日电(牟海微)根据哈尔滨市食品药品监督管理局消息,截至6月18日,由哈尔滨市检测中心抽样并承检的流通环节预包装食品粽子,已全部抽验完毕。被抽检的20批次产品未发现问题。 据介...

people's network of Harbin on June 19 Mou Haiwei according to the Harbin Municipal Food and drug supervision and Management Bureau, as of June 18, by the Harbin City testing center sampling and bearing inspection flow through link pre packaged food dumplings, have all been testing is completed. 20 batches of product sampling is not found in the sample. According to the media...