新关注 > 信息聚合 > 多品牌化妆品降价 武汉售价大部分与香港持平

多品牌化妆品降价 武汉售价大部分与香港持平

Multi brand cosmetics price Wuhan price most Hong Kong and flat

2015-06-26 09:48:12来源: 新浪网

下月起多品牌化妆品降价 最高降幅23% 楚天都市报讯 楚天都市报讯(记者郭姗姗)7月1日起,武汉市民在家门口买进口化妆品更便宜了。昨日雅诗兰黛公司宣布,旗下众多品牌将下调部分明星产品的建议零售价格,最大降幅将达23%。 此次降价品牌囊括了雅诗兰黛公司在中国市场的所有护肤彩妆品...

next month on multi brand cosmetics prices the highest drop 23% Chutian Dushi Bao Chutian Dushi Bao (reporter Shan Shan Guo) on July 1, Wuhan citizens in the door to buy imported cosmetics cheaper. Estee Lauder Co announced yesterday, its many brands will be down part of the star products recommended retail prices, the largest decline will reach 23%. The price cuts include the Estee Lauder Co in the Chinese market all skin care cosmetics...