新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为何要从数据管理,进化到大数据治理?


Why from the data management, the evolution to large data governance?

2015-02-13 21:44:24来源: 大河网

车品觉 最近我参加了“中国优秀首席信息官(CIO)评选”的颁奖大会,现场很多人都在谈大数据,其中有传统行业、有银行、也有医院。我注意到大部分演讲嘉宾均集中讨论如何应用大数据,或是如何用数据进行创...

car product sleep I participated in the "China outstanding Chief Information Officer (CIO) recently named" the awards ceremony, the scene of a lot of people are talking about big data, including traditional industries, banks, also have the hospital. I noticed that most speakers are focus on how to use big data, or is how to use the data record...

标签: 大数据