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Rugani: return to Juventus? This cannot be decided in my

2015-06-02 22:59:02来源: 华体网

后卫鲁加尼承认,尽管已经被尤文图斯买断,但“我不知道下赛季将在哪里踢球。” 20岁的鲁加尼被视为意大利足球最有前途的新星之一,本赛季他在恩波利效力,踢满了38场意甲一共3420分钟的比赛,帮助这家...

defender rugani admitted despite its buyout of Juventus, but "I don't know next season where he played." 20 years of roghani is regarded as one of the star of Italian football's most promising, this season at Empoli effect and played the full 38 serie a match a total of 3420 minutes of the, to help the...