新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北汽绅宝D20/D50全系购置税减半最高2万


Beiqi Saab D20/D50 line half purchase tax of up to 20000

2015-10-02 14:42:02来源: 人民网

9月29日车市又一重大利好来袭。国务院常务会议决定,从2015年10月1日至2016年12月31日,对购买 1.6升及以下排量乘用车,实施减半征收车车购置税的优惠政策。目前来看,北汽绅宝将有多款车型将享受到车辆购置税减半,其中就包括北汽绅宝D50与北汽绅宝D20。 北汽绅宝D50 ...

9 29 car, another major positive hit. The State Council executive meeting decided that from October 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016, the purchase of 1.6 liters and the following displacement passenger car, the implementation of the purchase tax levied by half a car purchase tax incentives. So far, BAIC Saab will have a variety of models will enjoy the vehicle purchase tax by half, including BAIC Saab D50 and BAIC Saab D20. Beiqi Saab D50...