新关注 > 信息聚合 > 教育系统微信小程序上线:清华北大等近30所高校入驻,旨在服务师生


Small program micro letter online education system: tsinghua Beijing university and so on, nearly 30 universities aims to service the teachers and students

2017-09-27 21:45:17来源: DoNews

DoNews9月27日消息 (记者 费倩文)27日,微信携手教育部新闻办、新闻中心在清华大学举行“新平台 新联动——30所高校小程序集体上线仪式暨教育政务新媒体宣传研讨会”,宣布全国近30所高校将上线专属小程序,借助小程序能力为高校师生提供更轻便的校园服务。目前,北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学等部分高校也已初步“试水”,北京大学“校园导览”、武汉大学“智慧岛”等小程序,为广大师生提供更优质、更便捷、更全面的信息服务。教育系统小程序,是教育部门、相关高校联合腾讯微信公众平台,向社会公众、师生提供资讯与服务的全新方式,可以整合教学、校园服务、校务管理,实现高校运作智慧化升级。微信用...

DoNews9. 27 (reporter FeiQianWen) 27, WeChat hand in hand to the ministry of education information, news center held in tsinghua university "new platform linkage collective small program launching ceremony - 30 universities and education government affairs new media seminar", declared a state of nearly 30 universities will launch exclusive small program, with the help of a small application ability for college teachers and students with lighter campus services. At present, Peking University, tsinghua university, renmin university of China, Beijing normal university, some universities have also been preliminary "testing the waters", "the campus tour" of Beijing university, wuhan university, the "intelligent island" and so on the small program, for the majority of teachers and students to provide more high quality, more convenient, more comprehensive information service. Small program education system, the education department, the relevant university joint tencent micro letter public platform, providing information and services to the public, teachers and students of the new way, and can be integrated teaching, campus services, school management, realizing the universities operation wisdom to upgrade. Micro credit...