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《刀剑神域 虚空幻界》角色自定义与探索区域

The sword god domain Virtual visionary world role custom and exploration area

2016-03-23 10:31:27来源: 电玩巴士

PS4/PSV平台新作《刀剑神域 虚空幻界》公开最新情报,这次主要介绍了游戏中角色自定义与新的探索区域相关内容。本作预定于2016年秋发售,繁体中文版也确定推出。 在本作中可以作成原创角色、变更桐人的外貌,可自定义的项目包括:性别、身高、体型、胸围、眼型、嘴型、发型、肤色、发色、瞳色...

PS4 / PSV platform new "sword god domain Virtual visionary world, open the latest intelligence, it mainly introduced the game role custom content related to the new exploration area. This book was released in the autumn of 2016, traditional Chinese version also determine the launch. In this can make original roles, tung change people's appearance, customizable projects including: gender, height, body size, chest circumference, eye, mouth, hair, skin color, hair color, eye color...